Any expert witness, witness or property assessor of an insured accident who deliberately provides false supporting documents, thus creating the conditions for another to practise defraudation, shall be deemed an accomplice in insurance fraud and punished as such. 保险事故的鉴定人、证明人、财产评估人故意提供虚假的证明文件,为他人诈骗提供条件的,以保险诈骗的共犯论处。
Practise fraud is not allowed in the school. 学校是不允许考试做弊行为的。
Clerk of labor safeguard department pays the misuse of authority in supervisory examination, practise favouritism in salary fraud, derelict, whether to investigate duty? 劳动保障部门工作人员在工资支付监督检查中滥用职权、徇私舞弊、玩忽职守的,是否追究责任?